Problemas y tendencias constitucionales y de derechos humanos en la República de Irak: luchando en el camino - Núm. 1-2023, Junio 2023 - Revista de Estudios Constitucionales - Libros y Revistas - VLEX 942899804

Problemas y tendencias constitucionales y de derechos humanos en la República de Irak: luchando en el camino

AutorAmmar Raad Ali Jihad
CargoPh. D. Student, Department of Constitutional Law and Constitutional Court Proceedings, Law Institute, Peoples' Friendship University of Russia named after Patrice Lumumba (Moscow, Russia), College of Business Economics, AlNahrain University, Jadriya (Baghdad, Iraq)
Article recieved on 28.07.2022 and accepted for publication 11.05.2023.
ISSN 0718-0195 · Vol. 21 · Núm. 1 · 2023 · pp. 93-110 · DOI: 10.4067/S0718-52002023000100093
Constitutional and Human Rights Issues and Trends in
The Republic of Iraq: Struggling on The Way
Problemas y tendencias constitucionales y de derechos humanos en la
República de Irak: luchando en el camino
Ammar Raad Ali JihAd1
Abstract: The article comprises legal evaluation of Iraqi constitutionalism in its historical
context – the study is devoted to understanding the constitutional dynamic happened over
almost 20 years. Such dynamic is analyzed through human rights, rule of law, enforceability
of legal guaranties, constitutional interpretation, role of Islam and Sharia. As the result, the
author reveals two groups of constitutional trends explaining each role and inuence. More-
over, the author provides the reader with the extensive view on the human rights problems
and solutions already implemented in the Republic of Iraq.
Keywords: Iraq, constitutionalism, Islam, Sharia, 2005 Constitution of Iraq.
Resumen: El artículo comprende la evaluación legal del constitucionalismo iraquí en su con-
texto histórico: el estudio está dedicado a comprender la dinámica constitucional que ocurrió
durante casi 20 años. Dicha dinámica se analiza a través de los derechos humanos, el estado de
derecho, la aplicabilidad de las garantías legales, la interpretación constitucional, el papel del
islam y la Sharía. Como resultado, el autor revela dos grupos de tendencias constitucionales
que explican cada rol e inuencia. Además, el autor proporciona al lector una visión amplia de
los problemas y soluciones de derechos humanos ya implementados en la República de Irak.
Palabras claves: Irak, constitucionalismo, islam, Sharía, Constitución de Irak del 2005.
1  Ph. D. Student, Department of Constitutional Law and Constitutional Court Proceedings, Law Institute, Peoples’ Friend-
ship University of Russia named after Patrice Lumumba (Moscow, Russia), College of Business Economics, Al-Nahrain
University, Jadriya (Baghdad, Iraq). ORCID: 0000-0002-4222-3048. E-mail:
Constitutional and Human RigHts issues and tRends
in tHe RepubliC of iRaq: stRuggling on tHe Way
ISSN 0718-0195 · Vol. 21 · Núm. 1 · 2023 · pp. 93-110 · DOI: 10.4067/S0718-52002023000100093
1. Introduction
The Iraqi statehood and the constitutional law of Iraq is the unique historical and legal
phenomenon to be deeply studied. This uniqueness comprises from at least three opposing
models of the state composition which has been implemented in this territory within the
foreseeable historical limits: the traditionalist, socialist and constitutional in its classical ‘Wes-
tern’ appearance. Moreover, since the 7th century, each of them has been complicated to a
certain extent by a religious (Islamic) element, which makes Iraqi constitutionalism even
more unique. Such a conclusion can be reached even if it is limited to a relatively short pe-
riod of time – the period of existence of an independent Iraq. Since the genesis of the system
largely determines its functioning, this feature could not but aect the state of modern Iraqi
The central issue of the study was the identication and structuring of trends in the de-
velopment of Iraqi constitutionalism and in the constitutional guarantees of human rights,
the system of state authorities and a clearer delineation between Sharia and constitutional
law in the country due to the theological nature of the attitude towards empowered bodies
not only in Iraq, but in the most Middle East countries. Hence, the research question of the
study at hand is whether there are any trends in Iraqi constitutional development and, if so,
could they be systematized. Jumping ahead, we suppose that despite the young age of Iraqi
statehood such trends could be revealed and grouped by two vectors of development. Speci-
cally, the two trends of the Iraqi constitutional development discovered are (1) trends in the
development of the Constitution, which are conditioned by its literal content: the presence of
unenforceable constitutional provisions that do not have a real mechanism of realization in
the Republic; the constant search for ways of ‘non-invasive’ lling gaps on the existing consti-
tutional text, and (2) trends related to the Constitutional interpretation: the evolution of the
federalism understanding thoroughly in relation to the Iraqi national context; the evolution
of the power-separation concept; the evolution of the role of Islam and Sharia in the modern
Iraqi legal system.
The ultimate objective of this article is to make a prediction and advise further constitu-
tional development vectors based on the revealed trends of the constitutional struggling of
the Iraq Republic, to dene whether the way chosen is right or wrong from constitutionalism
paradigmatic standpoint.
2. Methodology
The study is based on the discursive analysis and interpretation of the legal text in the light

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